Careers class at Adams School
Careers class at Adams School, I think were maybe added in 3rd/4th year and the teacher(s) that did them sort of doubled up… they taught normal stuff too
We were maybe kept in our forms not streamed classes
ONLY one day in careers stands out in my memory and that was the day the teacher asked each of us what we were going to do when we left school…
The teacher asked the farming kids, some said they were going to breed pigs, some said milk cows, one or two girls said they were going to be a nurse, some said forces and so on and it was all taken as normal
Then I was asked
“What are you going to do when you leave school?”
I answered “I want to be a jockey”
The whole classroom including the teacher erupted into laughter, one lad piped up and said “you’re too fat to be a jockey!” (and because it was that particular kid that’s why I think it was our forms, I didn’t do other lessons with him)
It was embarrassing 😳
I can also remember which classroom it was… at Lowe Hill in the new block opposite the sports hall, on the corner of the top floor the side of the playing fields… I think the teacher was Mr Johnson (Geography/History) not Doctor Johnson (Biology) although it may have been Mr Burrows because he was careers main man but I don’t think he would have allowed the mockery
Have more than thou showest
Speak less than thou knowest
Shakespeare, King Lear